Having worked as a caricature artist for the last 25 years, Judy recently became interested in taking her 2D art to 3D with these little sculptures called The Sandbox Toonies. This is the result of drawing thousands of little children for parties and events. The Toonies are anywhere from five to nine inches tall. The head, hands and feet are sculpted from polymer clay, no molds were used. The bodies are soft sculpted in wool roving, embellished with various fibers. A metal armature allows these little dolls to be somewhat posable. So sit them on a window sill, hang from a curio cabinet or house plant. They are not suitable as a childs toy but rather a work of art. The Sandbox Toonies are "little kids doing what little kids do" for big kids to enjoy. It's a work of art that makes you remember your own childhood and smile. Check out, www.judyporterdolls.com and www.thefinetooners.com.

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