This method of paper bowl construction allows you to recycle and preserve a memory at the same time. The first step in making this type of paper bowl is to shred the papers you have collected. The shredded fibers are mixed with a binder and molded onto a bowl mold. You can use random papers for a crazy-quilt colorful bowl or you can collect and shred papers specific to a concept. For example, let's say you have a lot of extra money lying around. You could shred the money and make a very cool ( and expensive-lol!) money bowl. I have a teacher friend who just retired and wants to make a bowl out of her shredded lesson plans! Bring your paper and shred it right in the workshop and then fashion your original paper bowl. There's also plenty of papers on hand to use if you do not have your own. Class fee: $30.00. All materials included except the special papers you might bring.
Select one of these sessions:
Thursday April 15, 7-8:30 pm
Saturday April 17, 9:30-11 am
Register and reserve your spot by mailing a check for $30.00 to:
Steve Hess
8601 Barkley Street
Overland Park, KS 66212
Call 913-579-5395 with questions.